Software Development
CriTech starts with a high-level set of system or software requirements for a product and creates safe, reliable, and compliant software that meets your specifications. During development, our project management plan and regular status reports provide visibility into each of the activities required for successful software development.
At every phase of the project, our critical software development process provides detailed guidance for our engineers on all development activities including:
- Software Development
- Verification
- Cybersecurity Risk Management
- Software Risk Management
- Project Management
- Software Quality Assurance
- Software Configuration Management
Requirements Traceability
Traceability is a critical work product in any software project or system which is often missing in legacy systems.
Our team creates traceability matrices as part of a project’s deliverables. The gaps identified by the effort are instrumental in finding problems with both documentation and in the software itself. We provide solutions with any problems we encounter.
Communications Development
Good communication is essential. We provide communications solutions for a variety of protocols, including Health Level 7 (HL7) – used for both hospital information systems (HIS) and laboratory information systems (LIS) – as well as:
- Controller Area Network (CAN)
- Ethernet
- Bluetooth™
- Other Serial (USB, RS-232/485)
- Proprietary Networks